From left to right: John, David, Elizabeth, Sydney, Anne, and Nick.
The North American Honey Bee Expo (NAHBE) in Louisville, KY was our best event yet! We loved every minute of it, from spending New Year’s Eve in Louisville, to the very end of breakdown, where we may have wound up lying on the showroom floor.
The main attraction at our booth was the Lyson Mini Line, and despite its name, it was no small feat to uncrate and assemble! To help showcase the fully automatic extracting line, we had the pleasure of hosting two representatives from Lyson, Justyna and Tomasz. EAS Master beekeeper, Anne, gave expert advice at our booth, and Elizabeth helped ring up folks at the register. We relied most on the strength and skill of two of our wood shop crew, Sydney and Nick, to help load orders into vehicles and provide excellent overall customer service. Dr. Peck gave two new lectures on invasive species and their impacts on honey bees.
Dr. Peck giving one of his two talks at the Expo.
The Lyson Miniline featured at our booth!
Check out some of our posts on Facebook to see more of our adventures!
While it was a whirlwind of a trip, the exhaustion is always worth it. We love connecting and growing our community. We had a great time and can’t wait to see you at the next one!
Fun fact: Did you know that we were 1 of 159 exhibiting companies & 6 of 3,600 people at the show?